Thursday, January 31, 2008

Krisol and Hot Air

After a hard days work we took a trip to our partna's boutique "Krisol" to celebrate the launch of the new brand Hot Air at their spot.. Hot Air had some dope pieces, refined and back to the basics.. a lot of where men's fashion should be heading..

owners of Krisol boutique.. go cop your Cerbae there! Tahirah and Kai.. Good peoples, good parites! Kai, we finished the belveee case!

Bee Nbuyen of Hot Air/Grand Tactics along with Stevie Williams, skate board extrodinaire...

a lot of this..

Damn.. Murder Inc was in the buildin.. Irv Gotti.. i guess he has a good appreciation for fashion. I haven't heard MMMMuuuurrrrrdahhh! for a minute, must be focusing on his clothing line.

Tahirah,Digit's man?Digit.. good seeing you again Digit! keep making the women look good..

Met Javier at the party, cool kat, from Frisco too.. he's a brand builder.