Thursday, May 1, 2008

Estas son las mananitas....

Delayed by a few days, but last weekend was quite the time.

On Sat, I peeked on over to a lil' town called Whittier (off the 60 fwy folks) for a 2nd & 26th bday celebration. My BFF's family always throws down for the fiestas.
'Little Mermaid" pinata on a warm Saturday = Good times (this was for the 26 yr old). They didn't have a tree to hang it from, so they got involved rope, a brick wall, a couple of roofs, and a "Spider Tio" theme song.
This cake...I can't even put it to words. ::insert Homer drool::

Had to dip out of the party early, had to get back to some work. Planned on getting caught up on the misc on Sunday; work, laundry, etc...but apparently E had some other plans for me.
Finally made my way across the LA River bridge to hang w/ E and the crew at Jake's rooftop. Got there @ sunset when things were dying down, but it was still a sa-weet way to end the weekend.

E had to make the walk home shirtless...someone straight jack-moved his ass. But someone came up on a brand new Arch Rival shirt. yoink.

Good times, feeling the summer vibes...and it ain't even Memorial Day yet.